Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back To School

Hey everyone tomorrow school officially starts and i now know where i'm going. I lucked out i get to go back to Colleton County High which is cool for me. I am not sure how my dad feels about it though. And Big Splash is coming up but i dont know if i will be able to go. I do hope so. And the play is in a little less than a month and i think it will be a great play i just dont want to do my solo. Its only 4 words but none the less. I am glad i got in this time. School is going to be pretty dull i bet but ill get over it. And by the way to all baby-sitters i seriously sympathise this whole week i have been baby-sitting the anti-christ he was terrible and i only got paid $50 for the whole week all day long soo yeah that sucked. And in less than 2 weeks it will be my birthday. Its going to be pretty low key and i dont expect a lot because we dont have a lot of money. But oh well i got to go and ill keep you guys updated.

