Friday, March 16, 2007


hey people guess what i now once again have a new movie obsession. Seeing as how ive seen Four Brothers that obsession is officially over and my new one is Fear it stars Mark Walhberg and Reese Witherspoon . Its about an older guy starts datinga younger girl but then she realizes that it was such a good idea when he gets to the point of obsession. So if anyone knows where i can find tht plz tell me. And OMG im so jealous of about 10 000 people because they all got to see Breaking Benjamin 3 Days Grace(one of my fav band) and then Nickelback ugh i wouldve have killed to go there. And there are some retarded people in my class they have no idea what theyre talking about when it comes to Eragon. but we wont get into tht subject and guess what i just found out what about Brazil an ipod there is 3000 dollars tht is jus insane well ill update later on in the day i gotts go now