Friday, March 02, 2007

Ok now i can write whats really going on im my life. so lets see i got to talk to joe yesterday which was cool and we had our first two real performances yesterday the one before was just the Arts Council watching. but they both went well and we have 3 or 4 more to go still. but thats cool im having fun. Both my parents are coming so that will be cool i guess if my mom would just get out of the bed. and i had that weird dream again except this time it was weirder by far but i wont get into details. i had to turn in a research paper today to a four page one which i wrote last night. Talk about a procrastinator. anyways not to much is going on my paper was once again on bullying i dont know how i always manage to get stuck with that topic and i have to teach in civics next friday on my research paper. so wont that be fun and we are now on peotryin my english class and i just got assigned my new poem it should be easy though poetry is not that hard and i got an A + in it last year yea me so it should be real easy. and im reading this other book now called The Great Tree Of Avalon its weird so far but maybe it will be good. That last book i read was incredible but i wrote about it last time so i wont bore you with it again. And i really want my firend Amber to come down soon i hadnt seen her in a while so ill try and get that to happen but i dont know.
So on to my tv topics new thing im trying im gonna put up my opinions on some shows i saw this week feel free to comment if you have opinions to.
First off Gilmore Girls. It was good this week and bad I think Lorelie is about to hook back up with Luke just because everyone knows its going to and im so happy she dumped christopher they were just never meant to be. And i think Rory should dump Logan hes a jerk and a drunk plus its bound to happen anyways.
Secondly Are Yo uSmarter Than A Fifth Grader? the new tv show is actually funny i was surprised i mean you would never have guessed how much smarter fifth graders are that grownups. its worth watching.
Thirdly The Class. This is also a pretty new showbut me and my brother and my dad have all come to like it. This past episode was kinda sad because Yonk had a heart attack right as his wife was about to leave him i cant remember his name though. And Cat's perfect relationship ended because Ethan found out he was cheating on her. So she dumped him and the show ended with Cat crying giving Ethan a hug. It was a pretty sad episode. bu tnow i think Cat and Ethan will get together.
Fourthly and lastly American Idol. All 3 episodes this week were ok i thought both the girls and the boys made a huge improvement except for Sanjaya i thought he was worse. And Kellie Pickler came by and sang. And the top 20 lost another four last night one of which i did not think should have gone The girls that left us were Hallie(who i thought did good) and Leslie (who i was happy to see go) The guys who left us was the Nicholaswho i thought was pretty good. and AJ who i also thought didnt deserve to go. I am really mad at America for not voting Sanjaya off because he shoulda gone off last week i mean he really sucked words cant surpass how much he sucked. well now i must go ill keep you updated.


Hello everybody today i shall be posting two blogs one of not as much importance which would be this one i am basically so mad that i thought i would as this person put it "bitch" about somebody. I am here to tell you how much JOSH KIDDER gets on my nerves. and i hope he reads this. Besdies he says i never write about him enough so here it goes. To him everything i say is wrong he refuses to listen and is constantly twisting my words around saying i said something that i didnt. And he says because im a christian i love people because i have to and not because i want to and that is so not true cause ruight now i really dont want to love him. He thinks that when you die you're just dead and thats it and that hes gonna say told you so when hes right which is sad to me because i know hes wrong. he says the christan system is screwed because a murderor can go to heaven by asking for forgiveness and accepting christ but a guy whos done nothing wrong in thier whole lives wont go to heaven because they didnt accept christ and he says thats a screwed system. the whole point of heaven is to accept christand no that he is there for you. ughh he infuriates me. ughh i just wanted to get him out of my system so now i will go and write another blog about how my life is going.