Friday, March 02, 2007


Hello everybody today i shall be posting two blogs one of not as much importance which would be this one i am basically so mad that i thought i would as this person put it "bitch" about somebody. I am here to tell you how much JOSH KIDDER gets on my nerves. and i hope he reads this. Besdies he says i never write about him enough so here it goes. To him everything i say is wrong he refuses to listen and is constantly twisting my words around saying i said something that i didnt. And he says because im a christian i love people because i have to and not because i want to and that is so not true cause ruight now i really dont want to love him. He thinks that when you die you're just dead and thats it and that hes gonna say told you so when hes right which is sad to me because i know hes wrong. he says the christan system is screwed because a murderor can go to heaven by asking for forgiveness and accepting christ but a guy whos done nothing wrong in thier whole lives wont go to heaven because they didnt accept christ and he says thats a screwed system. the whole point of heaven is to accept christand no that he is there for you. ughh he infuriates me. ughh i just wanted to get him out of my system so now i will go and write another blog about how my life is going.

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