Friday, January 19, 2007

Thank God It's Friday!

Hello my fellow readers,
i would first just like to point out that my mother doesnt have diabetes so thats good but now she has no excuse for being sick except that she is mentally ill. i made an oath to myself with a two witnesses present that i would never be like my mother except in the few good ways that she has. So anyways on to lighter topics my aunt is getting married in one week yea for her. I didnt have school yesterday because of weather but i do have school today but thats ok. i cant remember if i told you or not but i have list of books to read that i made for myself. They are mostly classics. So far i have made a list of 87 books and have read 7 so far. i am now on my eighth its called The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath its interesting so far. its about a mentally depressed woman. I cant go to the church ski trip seeing as how we have no money but to tell you the truth i never wanted to go on account of i hate skiing.
I watched the Golden Globes and i was not pleased but i wont share my opinions because they might be taken the wrong way.
I also realized that you guys dont know a whole lot about me. S o im going to tell you 5 things about me for two days so five things to day and five tommorow you probably dont know unless you were there.

1. I have climbed to the top of a mountain.
When i was eleven i was with my friend Megan and my my dad when we were hiking in NC. and just the day before i had had an asthma attack but i wanted to go anyway. As usual my mother was to sick to go but we made it all the way to the top i have pictures to prove it .
2. I have a terrible fear of clowns.
I have feared their paint-on smiles since i was three years old and one of them threw me in the air. i still go to circuses because i like to watch the gymnasts and lions. but everytime a clown comes in i leave the room and i refuse to sit up front because thats where they get there volunteers.
3. I used to work for a dog shelter and now i refuse to work for them again.
Its true a lady at my church owned the local dog shelter and offered me a job. i thought i would love it but it was the saddest thing you ever saw this woman never cleaned the cages so all the animals were covered in their crap. And thats not the worst but when we first went n ther eshe went to the cats room and pulled out 4 dead cats and said they were strong last nite and only a few died. Then she put down nine dogs right in front of me and dumped out at the land fill. They're supposed to keep them alive not kill them. Thats why i now work for a german shepard rescue even though we rescue all dogs. We save them from shelters and abusive homes. So if you know where something like that is happening or would like to adopt one. Then please go to i believe thats the website.
4.When im home alone i have my own rock concert while cleaning the kitchen.
Yes its embarrasing i know but i do. When i get home i have to clean the kitchen so i get my favorite cd and turn it up as loud as possible and then grab my spatula or my broom and bust out singing but dont worry im majoring in singing and acting so i can sing. but none the less. My dog will even dance around while i sing.
5.i have the first 3 sesons and the last season of X-Files on dvd.
i love the X-Files i always have Moulder and Scully are a house hold name that is one show everyone in my family loves. We love supernatural stuff. We even wrote a letter to sci-fi when they cancelled it and told them to bring it back on.i don t know if it was us they listened to but they are showing it again. It comes on at five every afternoon on sci-fi.
Those are a few things about me that not everyone knows and ill put five other things on tommorow. I ll keep you updated. Tata for now (gosh i hate that saying0

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